23 May 2024

The Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law

The Council of Europe has adopted the world’s first international convention on artificial intelligence (“AI”) titled “Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law” (“Convention”), marking a significant step towards regulating AI technologies.  The Convention is legally binding.  Consequently, it ensures AI systems respect human rights, democracy, and the rule of law throughout their lifecycle.  It includes provisions for transparency, accountability, and independent oversight, addressing potential risks and promoting responsible AI innovation.

The Convention aims to create a balanced framework that encourages technological advancement while safeguarding fundamental freedoms and democratic values.  By establishing clear guidelines, it seeks to prevent AI from undermining democratic institutions.  It also ensures the ethical use and development of AI systems.

Furthermore, the Convention is not limited to European countries; it is open to non-European nations, reflecting a global approach to AI governance.  This inclusive stance also underscores the universal importance of regulating AI technologies in a manner that benefits all of humanity.

The formal signing of the Treaty will take place on September 5, 2024, in Vilnius, Lithuania.  This event will mark the beginning of a new era in international AI regulation, as countries worldwide commit to upholding the principles outlined in this groundbreaking agreement.

Stay tuned to our website as our dedicated EU Law and Artificial Intelligence and Robotics teams bring you details on the latest legislative news in this area.

Bojan Tutić



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