Banking & Finance Serbia

24 Jan 2022

Green bonds in Serbia

Environmental awareness has been a pressing topic for decades. In the past, international treaties were signed to put words into action. One of these key treaties was the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.   The reasoning behind this protocol was evident; countries needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (“GHG”). Back in 2008, Serbia had ratified this agreement and prescribed mandatory targets for the reduction of harmful emissions in the period between 2008-2012.  The Amendment from Doha confirmed the second binding period of the Kyoto Protocol, between 2013-2020, including new obligations in GHG emissions reduction.  However, perhaps the most crucial treaty was the Paris […]

03 Nov 2021

Crypto and money laundering? FATF updates its rules

Does blockchain technology carry risks of money laundering and terrorist financing?  The Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”) responds affirmatively.  In October 2021, FATF published an Updated Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach (“Guidance”), as a result of crypto market monitoring.  The Guidance is based on the assessment of the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing regarding the regulation and supervision of virtual assets (“VA“) and Virtual Assets Service Providers (“VASP“). The amendments to the Guidance are the result of the FATF’s ongoing work and oversight of the VA and VASP sectors and their development, to prevent money laundering and terrorist […]

06 Jan 2020

Serbia’s financial system reforms receive European Commission stamp of approval

The National Bank of Serbia is making inroads into harmonizing local legislation with European Union (“EU”) legislation, especially into amending regulations governing the operation of banks and other financial institutions. The European Commission (“EC”) adopted a decision of importance for the Republic of Serbia, which was published on 18 December 2019 in the Official Journal of the EU. Serbia’s push to amend the regulatory and supervisory framework concerning banks’ operations and in particular to amend anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regulation has borne fruit and is a step in the right direction for building a stable financial system. This decision […]

05 Oct 2015

NBS Adopts Changes to the Single Register of Accounts

On October 1, 2015, the new Payment Services Act came into force.  This new piece of legislation introduced numerous and rather important changes to the Serbian payment operations system.  These changes are also a part of Serbia’s harmonization with European Union laws and business practices, which presumes liberalization of payment services provision and widening of authorized service providers in this field, other than the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) and licensed banks, will have a significant positive impact on the market efficiency. One of the most significant changes in this sense introduced in the Payment Services Act relates to the formation of a […]
