10 May 2021

Many have asked us … what is the status of influencers in the Western Balkans?

Who are “influencers”? Developments in technology and the significant influence of social networks on modern life, have resulted in the development of a completely new breed of digital marketers – influencers[1].  Increasingly, successful brands now recognize influencer marketing as an extremely effective way to advertise their business which in turn expands their reach and increasing the sales of products and services. The term influencers originated in the English language, and many other languages, including Serbian, use anglicisms to refer to influencers to denote influential people within a certain group of people.  We are familiar with their work today on various […]

06 May 2021

Uber drivers are now workers in the UK – What else is coming down the road?

The UK Supreme Court ruled on February 19, 2021 that Uber drivers must be treated legally as workers.  After a five year long legal battle, Mr. James Farrar and Mr. Yaseen Aslam (who jointly initiated the legal process), as well as all their fellow Uber drivers, celebrated the fact that they are finally recognized as workers of Uber, with all privileges and rights (e.g. minimum wage, right to paid holidays, right to unionize) that come with the status. However, in late March Uber stressed that the Supreme Court’s decision meant its drivers were “workers” but not “employees.” Nevertheless, the distinction […]

29 Apr 2021

The Implementation of the Act on Determining the Origin of Property and Special Tax Has Started

I. Introductory Remarks The application of the Act on Determining the Origin of Property and Special Tax (“Act”) started on March 12, 2021. Since the introduction of the bill, the Act has attracted a lot of attention, both from the professional public and others, not only because of the subject of regulation, but also because of its legal solutions.  The Act came into force at the start of 2020, but its implementation was postponed for a year.  In that period, amid criticism, some amendments were added to the Act, just before the start of its implementation. It is noticeable that […]

28 Apr 2021

What does the New Act on Archival Material and Archival Activity bring?

In addition to numerous novelties and changes in Serbian legislation, the beginning of this year was also marked by the legal regulation of archiving materials and similar documentation, which attracted significant attention.  The new Archival Material and Archival Activity Act (the “Act“) is not only an important step towards improving the protection of archival material and regulating archival activity but also towards developing awareness of the importance of preservation of archival material, since that helps “protect” the history of our country. Until recently Serbia did not have a specific act that would comprehensively regulate the issue of archival material and […]

27 Apr 2021

Developments in Energy Legislation in Serbia – a Path Towards a Green Future

The adoption of amendments, and the new group of energy-related acts are crucial for Serbia’s energy transition, which is set to be implemented through several new regulations.  All countries in the Western Balkans must transition to carbon-neutral energy sectors and become part of the integrated energy market.  The main goal of the transition is to increase the share of renewable energy sources, improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Members of the Serbian Parliament adopted the Amendments to the Energy Act, the Act on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy (the “Energy Efficiency Act”) and the Amendments to […]

26 Apr 2021

Cartel Ties Prompting Disqualification

“Three Strikes, You’re Out!”, or, as in the practice of the UK’s watchdog, “third time is a charm”, but the fourth is not.  Let us check out the rules of fair play when it comes to protecting competition in the UK market. In the early 2020 Associated Lead Mills Ltd (ALM) and H.J. Enthoven Ltd (trading as BLM British Lead), two of the UK’s largest suppliers of rolled lead,  admitted to forming a cartel and thus breaking the law four times by colluding on prices, sharing the rolled lead market by arranging not to target certain customers, and purposely not […]

24 Apr 2021

ESL: A Legal Perspective and Insights on the Football League that May Never Start

Introductory remarks There are many reasons why football is one of the world’s most successful and popular sports, and that Europe is its home.  As Rohan Roy said in his poem, football is “the most beautiful game”.  Although football has changed over the years, which was inevitable, it kept receiving support from its fans. Historically, adjustments to “the most important of the least important things” have been announced and introduced gradually, so that the core principles of football would survive. It is obvious that the fans and supporters were and always will be the reason for football’s worldwide success.  This […]

21 Apr 2021

Serbia and UK sign historic trade and cooperation agreement

A ground-breaking Partnership, Trade, and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and Serbia was signed in Belgrade on Monday. The comprehensive document sets a new legal basis for the development of bilateral trade, as it effectively replaces Serbia’s Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU and ensures continuity in preferential trade between the two countries after January 1, 2021, when the UK formally withdrew from the European Union. As it comes into force, the Agreement will reduce the added complexity and expenses businesses have had to face since the beginning of this year, with customs duties of up to 20% being introduced. This has significantly affected both Serbian exporters and more than 400 […]

20 Apr 2021

Serbian Climate Change Act – what to expect?

During the session held on March 18, Serbian MPs adopted the Climate Change Act (the “Act”).  The Minister of Environmental Protection, Ms. Irena Vujović noted that “the issues concerning environmental protection and climate change are of high priority and have finally received deserved attention from the Government of Serbia.” The main goal of the Act is to reduce greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions, as the accelerated development of technology and international trade make pollution, and especially emissions of GHG, a global problem. Long History of Global Climate Change Mitigation Acts The United Nations (the “UN”) noted the impending problems caused by […]

19 Apr 2021

Three’s a charm – Gecić Law announces the latest team promotions

At Gecić Law, we are delighted whenever we have the opportunity to reward professionals who best represent our core values. With this in mind, we are proud to announce another round of expansion and congratulate three of our star legal professionals. These include the promotion of Ivana Stojanović Raišić from Senior Associate to Counsel, while Jelena Škorić and Danica Misojčić will be promoted to Senior Associate positions. “We’re pleased to promote Ivana, Jelena and Danica. Our strategy has always been to build talent and reward the exceptional contribution of our team to the firm. It is truly wonderful to watch […]
