Yesterday in Skopje, member countries of the Open Balkan initiative took an important step towards enhancing regional economic cooperation. Representatives of Serbia, North Macedonia, and Albania signed two protocols aimed at establishing a free labor market between the member countries of the Open Balkan initiative. These include the Protocol on the Implementation of the Agreement on Conditions for Free Access to the Labor Market in the Western Balkans and the Protocol on Connecting the Electronic Identification Schemes of the Western Balkans Citizens. Representing Serbia, Gojko Stanivuković, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, signed the documents. This demonstrates the […]
DetailsNew rules Fédération internationale de football association (“FIFA”), with its prerogatives in creating the legal framework for the game of football, enacted new changes in their FIFA Football Agent Regulations (“FFAR”). To create a more transparent, efficient, and just system, the new regulations aim to reinforce contractual stability, protect the integrity of the transfer system, and achieve greater financial transparency. However, some of the introduced provisions may potentially violate competition laws, leading to a reluctance among many countries to incorporate the FFAR into their national regulations. With many court proceedings in various national courts from England to Brazil and before […]
DetailsGecić Law and the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Law signed a cooperation agreement yesterday, marking an important step in strengthening practical education for law students through collaboration on the first Competition Law Clinic. The agreement creates a meaningful partnership between the academic and professional communities, providing law students practical experience. The Competition Law Clinic, established on December 14, 2023, on the initiative of Prof. Dr. Dušan V. Popović, a full professor of Competition Law, represents an innovative approach to learning. The clinic integrates into the Legal Skills course in the fourth year of undergraduate studies, particularly emphasizing the winter […]
DetailsWhat are Green and other related ESG corporate bonds? Green bonds, a prominent term in finance, have recently gained significant attention. These instruments, part of the broader Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) category, offer distinct advantages over regular bonds and play a crucial role in modern finance. Like regular bonds, ESG bonds involve loans from investors to organizations. These loans finance projects, and investors receive their principal back with interest. ESG bonds include green, social, climate, and sustainability-linked types. Green bonds, issued by public or private entities, finance environmental or climate change projects. They represent the environmental aspect of ESG. […]
DetailsIn a move to learn more about emerging digital markets, the European Commission today launched calls for contributions focused on virtual worlds and generative AI. These initiatives represent a step by the Commission to understand the competitive dynamics in these rapidly evolving sectors. The Commission has reached out to various stakeholders, requesting information to gain a comprehensive view of the current state of competition in these innovative fields. Players from all corners of the industry, including developers, consumers, and academic experts, will indeed share their experiences and insights. Virtual Worlds: A New Competitive Landscape Virtual worlds, characterized by their persistent, […]
DetailsAn (Un)expected Oligopoly At the end of October, the Belgian Competition Authority (L’Autorité belge de la Concurrence) (“ABC”) released an opinion on the state of competition in Belgium’s retail banking market (the “Opinion”). The Opinion revealed that the retail banking market in Belgium is an oligopoly. Four banks dominate the market: BNP Paribas Fortis, KBC, Belfius, and ING. As an oligopoly, the retail banking market exhibits specific characteristics. These include similar services on offer and frequent interactions between banks, facilitating coordination among the most prominent market participants and reducing competition. The most obvious example of services with identical commercial terms […]
DetailsAutonomous vehicles and driving technologies, characterized by their complexity, are at the forefront of modern transportation advancements. In our article 5G CAM: Revolutionizing Cross-Border Mobility, we highlighted the pivotal role of CAM technology in facilitating vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, a prerequisite for autonomous driving. These technologies are in rapid development worldwide due to their potential benefits. These include enhancing road safety, alleviating traffic congestion, and reducing CO2 emissions. Autonomous driving encompasses various developmental directions, relying on sensors to collect environmental information. Complementary devices, such as cameras and GPS, are also integral to data collection. A sophisticated computer unit then processes […]
DetailsGecić Law is pleased to announce the second edition of “ESG Chat @ Gecić Law,” an insightful series of interviews exploring the dynamic and ever-evolving world of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. Decarbonization and Growth In this edition, we bring you a thought-provoking discussion with Mikhail Korostikov, Senior Analyst at the Climate Bonds Initiative and a leading expert in green economics based in Serbia. The interview delves into the intricate relationship between the issue of sustainability, decarbonization and economic growth. We take a look at these phenomena from the perspective of the Western Balkans. Central to the discussion is […]
DetailsBusiness activity generates thousands of documents, contracts, letters, invoices, and the like. This constitutes documentary material. This means that every entrepreneur and company in the Republic of Serbia, in one way or another, is either a creators or possessor of documentary material. Through their activities, they either create or appear as owners, contractual parties in obligational relationships, or simply holders (holders). Only a portion of this material holds permanent significance for society and forms what a body of archival material. The Act on Archival Material and Archival Activity (“Act”) uniformly regulates all of the above. The Act came into force […]
DetailsDuring its last session on October 26, 2023, the National Assembly adopted amendments to the Public Procurement Act. The most significant changes relate to: introducing quality rather than price as a key criterion for selecting certain services/goods, introducing principles of environmental protection in the awarding of public procurement and specifying the initiation of misdemeanor proceedings in case of illegal spending of public procurement funds. The amendments will be applicable from January 1, 2024. At the outset, it is worth mentioning that the amendments introduce the principle of environmental protection. When considering the procurement of goods, services, or works, the contracting […]