16 Sep 2022

CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Restructuring 2022

Gecić Law is proud to have contributed to the fifth CEE Legal Matters Guide in their Comparative Guides series, with a focus on Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe.

Our team members Danica Misojčić, Senior Associate, Miloš Petaković, Senior Associate, and Žarko Popović, Associate supported CEELM with a focus on Serbia by providing critical information on the legal framework for insolvency and restructuring. The guide provides intel on legislation, international instruments, and proposed or upcoming changes in restructuring insolvency. This includes which steps restructuring proceedings normally include and the roles of the courts and other key stakeholders.

The guide also dived into creditor-friendly or debtor-friendly restructuring and insolvency by providing insight into the regimes in Serbia. For full details click on the following link.