Last Thursday, everything was about motivation and defeating the fear of failure! Our Senior Associate Nemanja Sladaković and his team organized a Motivational Evening titled: “Failure? Why not” as part of this year’s AmChamps 009 Program, where our young colleague is an active participant and proud mentor.
In an informal atmosphere, recognized leaders from all walks of life, including Dejan Turk, CEO of A1 Serbia; Tatjana Vojtehovski, journalist; Vladimir Grbić, famous volleyball player and Marina Rakić, HR Manager at MK Group, spent an inspiring evening with program participants and shared their perspectives on all aspects of motivation.
The AmChamps program started in 2014 and is a showcase model of how academia and the corporate sector should work together to develop people who will lead the business community in the future. This year’s AmChamps 009 edition gathers 56 participants – 28 students (mentees) & 28 young managers (mentors) from AmCham Serbia member companies. Throughout the program, participants work on assignments and projects in their mentoring pairs or as part of larger teams, building relationships and team spirit.