18 Jul 2024

ESG Chat @ Gecić Law – ESG Business Transformation: Investments in renewable energy sources are also secured through financing from so-called “green sources.”

Gecić|Law proudly presents the latest edition of our ESG Chat @ Gecić Law series, we are focusing on the intersection of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues in big corporations.

In this interview with Tijana Koprivica, Director of Sustainable Business at Delta Holding, and Manager of the Delta Foundation we learned about the ways of introducing innovations in business that directly or indirectly impact the environment and sustainability, as well as the company’s own sustainable operations and future strategies that benefit the community.

Delta Holding prioritizes ESG principles, integrating them into its business strategy for sustainable development.  The company is committed to transitioning to 60% renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

It employs the GRI methodology for non-financial reporting and emphasizes collaboration with stakeholders who uphold ESG standards.  Notable initiatives include “Our Village” (“Naše Selo”) and “Digital Village” (“Digitalno Selo”), aimed at improving rural life and encouraging youth return to the countryside.

Challenges include regulatory hurdles and high investment costs for renewable energy, with ongoing efforts to optimize processes using AI.  Delta Holding fosters a corporate culture of equality and diversity, evidenced by its balanced leadership and inclusive workforce.  Financial and ESG goals are seen as interrelated, with sustainable practices enhancing business performance.

The company continues to invest in employee training and innovative projects through its D Incubator program, maintaining a focus on a healthy work environment and employee well-being.

Click the link to read the full interview.